Sunday, January 3, 2016

My Next Chapter
Embracing the Now, while trusting the rest unfold...

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you" says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. AMPV

There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. —DENIS WAITLEY”

In my blog I will Journal, bits and pieces of the past (only to show how it has shaped my future), and share with you my focus on the "Next Chapter"not my life. With this Journey I will be as authentic as I possible can. I understand there may be some persecution, ridicule and backlash, but this is something I need to do for myself and for someone else who wants to develop the strength to live their "life out loud" without apology. Who knows maybe someone may get free in the process.

My Life....“It is not the story of success I planned.”

So much to share as my life continues to unfold. Some of the changes you will see are forced, simply because my foundation (what "I" presumed was a solid foundation) wasn't so stable anymore. In the latter part of 2012 I asked God to teach me how to walk by faith and not by sight. As we take this journey together, there are somethings i have no explanations for and I'm still trusting God for the answers and resolve. I've learned I can't always justify why in in a situation or facing a circumstance because it is a supernatural (spiritual) process.  Somethings are intellectually explainable. Everyday as my journey move forward with me seemingly like I'm going through the motions, I'm actually "living" the purposeful life God intended. I say that because I can't take the risk of me going off on some tangent or taking a risk that could possible set me back. So I trust God totally for guidance and direction.

With this (faith walk) became the first phase of "life detox." We've all heard of detoxing the body (while eliminating certain foods and drinks from your daily diet, and only consuming curtain types of fruits and vegetables, for a certain period of time). During this time you're doing a specific cleanse for a specific reason(s). I now was detoxing my life (from the things, people, systems, situations and circumstances) of this world that were not conducive for my destiny in life. The systems of this world are meant to detain you spiritually while not allowing you serve God fully and be connected and total dependence to the systems. It gives us the independent allusion  that we're truly living life serving God as our Master, but we're not. If you don't believe me, "ask The Heavenly Father to help you to walk by faith and not by sight (sense realm knowledge and reasoning and logical thinking).

With this detox like any other detoxes came withdrawals. I began to immediately experience night sweats, fear, frustrations, anxiety attics, emotional temper tantrums, thoughts of inferiority, doubt, lack, insufficiency, not enough, pain, hurts, disappointments, discouragements, setbacks and loss....and so many other negative emotions.

It was during the detox I learned "it's all a process." Everything God has promised us in life is not always released instantaneously, sometimes we have to go through "the process." Notice I said "go through".....because it's "not" my destination. Therefore, we should continue to hold on to the #promises of Gods words as we journey through this process. Our faith is in the #promises, not in ourselves.

At one point, I was having thoughts of doubt, just like an addict I actually said to God that I wanted my life back, but then I thought, no I don't. I've always took pretty good care of myself, but I always wanted more and desired to live better. Just so you know, it's nothing wrong with way of thinking. God wants us to have "the best". During the beginning of the journey in 2012 I was feeling down and shared with a very Dear friend about what was going on at that time. With a short period I had a "rest" from the transition during the journey. My friend asked "if I felt like I was getting back to the way thing were". She then proceeded to affirm was she'd just wanted to express what she was thinking "well, I feel like you are". "She meant it as a total compliment, but it really made me think and we had this great conversation where I was like, ‘You know what? I try really hard not to use  that language, (getting my life back), because i'm not about going backward in life.’ If I didn't need to strengthen my faith, then I would never have received the nudge to do so. I've accepted the task of Writing My Next Chapter by "Embracing the now, while trusting the rest unfolds I am by no means trying to grasp onto anything from the past. “I’ve been really focused on not being ‘back’ to anything, but being the best version of myself right now," and moving forward. "My life is the sight of a miracle now. I don’t want to be pre-miracle.”

Also, as I stated earlier I will share some insight about my past. In order for me to truly be authentic about my future and #theNextChapter, I have to be open to some specific information. Now, my intentions are not to elaborate on the negative but to help you understand it's all apart of "the process". I am not living in the past.
I want to encourage you strongly to Embrace the now, whatever or wherever that my be....but don't stay there. You don't want to miss what God is doing "in the now" because you're stuck in the past or so focused on the future. "It's all apart of "#the process.

As we began to connect the dots there will come self discoveries. As I did, you will learn that you're stronger than you thought and things are really not as bad as they seem. Don't just go through the motions of "going through" the process, but grow through it. Consider this "now" as an opportunity to develop your character, get stronger and gain wisdom. Yes I called it an opportunity instead of challenge because it's just that.

Because there's room for growth. In the coming months were going to talk about how regardless of what piece of the puzzle life deals you, it will all work out for your good. You are a winner. You were born to win. The opportunities are a setup, but stay focused. .

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